Voze Logo Design

Voze - Logo Design

VOZE is a luxury watch brand from Dubai that is renowned for its high-quality timepieces. As a pro logo and brand design agency, we were entrusted with designing the perfect logo for VOZE. The target was to create a unique and aesthetically pleasing wordmark that would accurately represent the brand's style and ethos. We designed a monogram based on the business name (VOZE) and incorporated the shape of a watch into the logo to reflect the brand's focus on watches. The third logo concept was ultimately chosen as the final design due to its perfect balance of uniqueness, elegance, and modernity. The team at VOZE was incredibly collaborative and friendly throughout the design process, which allowed us to create a logo that truly captures the essence of their brand. The logo animation we created was also well received and helped to add a touch of dynamism to the VOZE brand.

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Our mission is to assist these talented creative minds in expressing their vision, so they are seen precisely as they wish to be. We're dedicated to crafting brand strategies and visual identities that truly resonate and reveal the entrepreneur's unique story to the world.

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