Sky Marble And Granite Logo Design

Sky Marble And Granite - Logo Design

Sky Marble and Granite is a New York-based business that specializes in the fabrication and installation of high-quality stones for commercial and residential spaces. We had the pleasure of designing their logo, and our target was to create a unique, elegant, and modern logo that reflects the brand's high standards. We created a monogram using the first part of the business name (SKY), and after presenting several concepts, the third logo was chosen as the final one. Working with the Sky Marble and Granite team was an absolute delight. They were ultra-friendly and collaborative, making the design process a breeze. Thanks to this great collaboration, we were able to create a logo that perfectly represents the brand's expertise and commitment to quality. We also created a logo animation that further enhances the brand's visual identity. If you're looking for high-quality stone fabrication and installation services, look no further than Sky Marble and Granite.

Ready to Transform your Business?

Our mission is to assist these talented creative minds in expressing their vision, so they are seen precisely as they wish to be. We're dedicated to crafting brand strategies and visual identities that truly resonate and reveal the entrepreneur's unique story to the world.

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